By Buzzers

by Buzzers - 3 days ago

Fatal Crash on the Northern Highway Near Mala

Two people have died and a third has been injured in a head-on collision on LZ1 near the Mala bridge, as reported by the Emergency Consortium.The accident took place around 9:15 a.m. this Sunday, at which time the CECOES was alerted of a front-to-side collision with people trapped in the cars.The tw...

Crosswords / Guardian Crossword - 4 days ago

Observer sudoku

Click here to access the print version.Fill the grid using the numbers 1 to 9. Each number must appear just once in every row, column and 3x3 box. Continue reading...

Crosswords / Guardian Crossword - 4 days ago

Observer killer sudoku

Click here to access the print version. Normal Sudoku rules apply, except the numbers in the cells contained within grey lines add up to the figures in the corner. No number can be repeated within each shape formed by grey lines. Continue reading...